RCKRtty 1003 Crack Free (2022) RCKRtty is a comprehensive program for logging and administration of RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor and CW QSOs -- with simultaneous control of transceiver and real-time operation of packet radio. RCKRtty supports normal QSO operation and also features a full contest mode. RCKRtty has a number of unique features, including : - Transceiver control - In-built automatic decoder - In-built simulator - Band and frequency settings - Auto-repeat timer (RAT) for automatic repeat at borders (1-minute), Auto-repeat when edge falls within RAT (1-minute), Auto-repeat when condition becomes true in RAT (10-second), 100-second and 10-minute - Full contest mode with sequential contest entry and multiple contest mode - A contest database with a lot of features, such as : -- Contest filename -- Contest mode -- Contest mode start time -- Contest mode end time -- Minimum required QSO's -- Minimum required number of contacts -- Number of contestants -- Contestant's QSO history -- Contestant's summary -- Contestant's master QSO -- Contestant's summary -- Contestant's low band activity -- Contestant's h/h activity -- Contestant's results -- Contestant's spots -- Contestant's CQ -- Contestant's offline -- Contestant's active -- Contestant's part -- Contestant's RAT -- Contestant's date -- Contestant's QSO -- Contestant's RPT -- Contestant's Q-list -- Contestant's QSB -- Contestant's call sign -- Contestant's low band QSO count -- Contestant's total QSO count -- Contestant's country -- Contestant's country list -- Contestant's station type -- Contestant's DAT -- Contestant's US/Worldlist -- Contestant's DAT list -- Contestant's State/ZIP code list -- Contestant's DXCC number -- Contestant's station type list -- Contestant's station status -- Contestant's notes -- Contestant's QSC -- Contestant's QSO CW in background -- Contestant's calling class -- Contestant's logged call -- Contestant's QSO email and QSO address -- Contestant's QSO time -- Contest RCKRtty 1003 Keygen For (LifeTime) [April-2022] 8e68912320 RCKRtty 1003 Crack+ Free Download X64 RCKRtty is a Windows-based software application that allows logging and administration of RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor and CW QSOs. The program includes an easy-to-use contest mode for competitive use with friends. Logging features include: Storing of all calls Storing of number of calls per hour Detailed information about call history and contacts Detailed information about speed-calls Call logging (real-time) in the correct QSO modes, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor and CW Detailed information about number of contacts and abbreviations per hour Detailed information about QSO contact ratio Detailed information about other information Distinctive and attractive GUI Support for: RF Maker II and III (DX-enabled) AEA-PK232, AEA PK-232MBX, AEA-PK900 MFJ1278, MFJ1278B KAM, KAMPlus HAL-DXP38, HAL-DSP4100 KEYMACRO Features: Detailed information about the power mode (CW, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor) Detailed information about the contact ratio per hour (RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor) Detailed information about the abbreviations per hour (RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, Pactor, Amtor) Simultaneous control of transceiver and real-time operation of packet radio Features: Simultaneous control of transceiver and real-time operation of packet radio: Using the log window in the program you can control the transceiver and check QSO time at the same time Setting the frequency will not start the transceiver during a QSO The logging functions can be used to start the transceiver and to tune when not in a QSO The program can be run in "fast" mode A complete log history including all calls and contacts, all detailed information about all logged calls Real-time or normal QSO, real-time or normal CW, real-time or normal PSK31, real-time or normal PSK63, real-time or normal Pactor, real-time or normal Amtor, real-time or normal CW, real-time or normal PSK31, real-time or normal PSK63, real-time What's New in the? System Requirements For RCKRtty: Supported Operating Systems: Windows® 8 Windows 7 Mac OS X (10.4) Minimum Requirements: RAM: 1024 MB Hard Disk Space: 50 MB Processor: Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon Resolution: 1024 × 768 Mouse: Mouse with standard buttons FPS: 30 Blu-ray Recommended Requirements: Processor: Intel Pentium 3.0
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